I recently bought your brand of pickled asparagus for the first time and my family loved them! Our toddlers just kept wanting more, that the first jar only lasted 2 days!!! We will most certainly be buying your products again and again. Thank you for the great products!From Dallas
Hey, so I wanted to check to see where these pickles were made, and what do you know.... ONTARIO!!! Amazing. I am so happy. I can TRULY taste the difference in these pickles. I am so happy to feed my children pickles that have THE PUREST ingredients I have seen. Thank you, guys!From James
I just purchased these for the first time and wanted to provide some feedback that I think they are outstanding...I'm writing from Toronto Ontario and love it even more they are Canadian!!!From Barbara

Thank you so much for making your pickles, they are the best pickles I've ever had in my life! 🙂From Mariam

Good morning. We had a large family gathering on the weekend and all I can say is that the pickled asparagus was a hit! I didn't get a chance to try it in a Caesar drink as they didn't make it through the meal. But we got the list off the website on where we can purchase more, I'm definitely eyeing up the Jalapeno peppers...From Doug
Just finished our first jar of your pickles and I have to say - where have they been my whole life? We are in love! Fantastic product!!!From Jackie
The best I've ever had. I'm in Peterborough and I go them from Three Roads Farms.   Fantastic!!!! I'm your customer for life. Thank youFrom A.C.
In testimony, I'd like to say that Sunshine Farms Organic Baby Dills are absolutely the best pickles I have EVER tasted! I was so eager to tell family and friends about how they are the perfect pickles that I actually bought jars for them too. I got to witness their similar reactions of delight upon the first crispy bite. Thank you from all of us for making such delicious pickles, and keep it up!!!From Dawn
Dear Sunshine Farms, I love pickles. I am however, a very picky pickle eater. Well, being perfectly honest, I'm simply a picky eater. I'm an alternative healthcare practitioner, I have about a zillion allergies, and I've been pregnant or breastfeeding for almost three years now. Consequently, I am a fastidious ingredient list reader, and I like my food to be of the chemical/additive/ GMO/superfluous ingredients FREE variety. It's hard to find a good pickle that suits those requirements. I have taste tested every organic, local, and homemade dill pickle I can find in my local grocery store. I carefully inspect the label, get my hopes up, and then, too spicy, too bland, too sweet (what charlatan makes sweet DILL pickles!)... Inevitably, I am disappointed. The single exception to my pickle disappointment, is sheer pickle delight: Sunshine Farms Dill Pickles. I can only get them in one store (that I know of) in my city, and they are worth the drive. They are fabulous. Thank you so much for knowing what you are doing in the pickle department.From M.G.